Operator Cabin

The operator's cabin is a cabin that is installed on the crane and allows the crane operator to work on the load and the crane with more control. The components of the operator cabin generally include the pulpit, seat, and operator's cabin.


The pulpit in a crane includes a seat, a rotating metal chassis, levers, and other chassis needed to operate the crane. Some pulpits are also equipped with a speaker, wireless, gas pedal, and HMI. The ergonomics of the operator's body, ease of rotation, and operator visibility are among the things that should be considered in the design of the pulpit.


Operator cabin

The metal cabin is made of a metal chassis. This cabin is equipped with thermal insulation double-glazed windows and insulation against air entry and exit. These cabins are equipped with an air conditioning system. Operator cabins are designed in two types: fixed and movable and are usually located under the crane girder so that it dominates the whole workshop area.

Operator Cabin